A group that wants to serve so that everyone can live a happy life by sharing the talents received from the local community with people, groups, and communities in need, with passion and enthusiasm for volunteering. The first meeting starts with the annual free tax return (VITA) activity for the low-income class conducted by the IRS. Anyone who has a strong belief in volunteering can participate in volunteering, and if necessary, training for volunteering is provided.
In addition, when it is not during the tax reporting season (from February to the end of April every year), we want to contribute to the spread of the community and the promotion of the public interest by participating in other volunteer activities requested by the community.
자원봉사에 대한 열정과 열의를 가지고, 전문직에 종사하며, 지역사회에 받은 재능을 도움이 필요한 사람, 단체, 지역사회으로 나눔으로 모두가 행복한 삶 살수 있도록 봉사하고자 하는 모임. 모임의 첫 시작은 미국국세청(IRS)에서 매년 실시하는 저소득층 무료세금보고(VITA) 활동으로 부터 출발하여, 세금보고 시즌에 자원봉사자가 모여서 관련 단체와 연계하여 저소득층 무료세금보고를 위해 정기적으로 봉사하는 운동입니다. 자원봉사에 가입은 자원봉사를 하겠다는 신념이 확고한 자는 누구나 참석할수 있으며, 필요시 자원봉사를 위한 교육을 실시합니다.또한 세금보고시즌(매년 2월부터 4월말) 이 아닌 때에는 커뮤니트에서 요청하는 다른 자원봉사에 참여하여 지역사회 문제 해결에 적극 참여하는 공동체의 확산및 공익증진에 기여하고자 합니다.
Good Hands Foundation was established in 2014 as a non-profit organization in Southern California, USA. Its purpose was to provide free U.S. federal tax returns and other related services to low-income communities and senior citizens.
Our mission and goal is to provide information on tax law and tax-related expertise free of charge in the spirit of “Pro-Bono” for low-income communities. Also to give back to the community by sharing the knowledge that our staff and volunteers spend many hours studying over tax laws. We want to share this knowledge with those who may not have this information accessible and through this better the lives of those who are in the low-income communities who may be going through financial difficulties.
Directors and staff have their own basic occupations and can be contacted at any time using Hitech; regardless of location or time. We do our best in minimizing our own fixed expenses (ie: office space) in order to utilize the grants that we’ve received to give back to the community instead.
Good Hands Foundations has had a partnership with OC United Way since its establishment in 2014. GHF and OC United Way have a relationship with a free tax reporting program and GHF has been selected as an excellent partner every year.
Starting this year, we want to start a new business opportunity for the community while offering the existing free tax reporting activities. This opportunity is expected to help serve the senior citizens and low-income community as well. The project we want to focus on is English as a second language’s seniors and lower-income community in Anaheim.
Currently, GHF consists of 1 full-time, 8 unpaid Board of Directors, and 53 volunteers. The annual budget for 2022 is $65,000, most of the budget comes from grants that are related to free tax returns from United Way OC.
Through free tax reporting activities, I was able to connect with lower-income communities and seniors. Although it started as tax reporting, I found that they needed more than just reporting taxes. In the past two years, many non-profit organizations have closed and suspended their activities due to the pandemic.
We are hoping that through our business that we can provide more tangible benefits for this community and we are confident that we can save them from danger by continuing to monitor the health and the lives of our seniors.